Saturday, February 23, 2013

Maroondah Hospital 21 Feb 2013

Maroondah Hospital: 21 Feb 2013
Three days Two nights.

I just returned home from Hotel Maroondah Hospital, I was in Emergance Thursday afternoon after suffering terrible painful stomach cramps. It sent my alarm bells ringing again! What, not again, after recovering from the last meltdown 19 months ago.

They told me its more than likely a blockage from a adhesion on the outside of the small bowel to the abdominal wall. (from previous operation and scar tissue)

So no food or water for next 24 hrs, and see if it clears, after giving me morphine and anti nausea meds, I waited it out. Luckily after getting transferred and admitted to a ward bed (4 hrs later) I saw my illiostomy bag fill with number two's. What a relief!

From then on I was on a clear liquid diet for the next 24 hrs , by friday night I could have some soup, woo-hoo!

Saturday a light breakfast and was then allowed to leave hospital in time for lunch. Yay.

They say if your had one blockage, you may get more in the future, great! Something to look forward to.


some info below:

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