I just got back from a 1hr ride along the Dandenong Creek bike path.
Now, I use a mirrow on my helmet and can see what riders are coming up behind me.
I could see a guy on a mtn bike, he was gaining on me ever so slowly.
He finally caught up to me, sat on behind me to get a wind break, and then past me and kept going as his pace.
When he got past me, I was shocked to see it looked like a man 25 years my senior, with grey hair and wrinkles.
I was riding smooth slick tyres, he was riding fat knobby mtb tyres, which take more effort to pedal.
It was very demoralising for me, I thought I was going quiet well considering.
I must put back this into perspective, for my own good, these riders that caught me and then past me where commuter cyclist that ride everyday to work (like I use to).
8 months ago I was flat out in a coma, and couldn't even walk, or lift my arm arm to brush my teeth!
So tell me whats happening in your world, bestest Carl :-)

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