Saturday, January 8, 2011

My temp 39C again!

Coming down with something tonight, aching bones and feeling hot cold. My Temp 39c. It seems to always happen after a big ride, maybe my immune system can't take it ? Or a left over from Lochlans cough?

Been bed bound now for 38hrs!

Monday, January 3, 2011

My first real mountain climb

Carl bicycled 40km and gained 500m 
going up the 1:20 from The Basin to Sassafras this morning with brother Lee.
The climb took me 37 mins, just a bit longer than my 20 and a half min, from four years ago! 
I guess three separate Chemo treatments has takin it's toll on my fitness. 
Used up 1200 Kilo-calories going up today. 
Glad to be on the mountain once more.
My reward, 
pouched eggs on toast with spinach, and tomato. Two lattes, and small cake for the return ride.
Bye from Carl. 

Lee my brother on the Dandenong bike path to the Basin.

I made it after a 3 years Hiatus.